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 TEST Pledge – Introductions

Debate Rule to Be Read By the Moderators to the Candidates

Debate Introduction Section: Each candidate has 75 seconds to present their introduction statement. Chair One (on the right side of the stage) initiates the first statement, followed by Chair Two and Chair Three…
Debate Questions Section: Each candidate receives a distinctive question in this session. After responding, other candidates, by raising their hand, may express approval or disagreement by providing a one-minute response. Subsequently, the initial candidate who answered the question is granted 30 seconds for a rebuttal.

Debate Closing Section: Each candidate will deliver their closing statement, starting with the candidate positioned on the left side of the stage and followed by the candidate to their right, each having 75 seconds.

Town Hall Section: Following the debate, the audience can pose questions to the candidates during a 15-minute town hall session.

Candidate Questions: The Moderators will select questions, keeping the process confidential. They hold the final decision-making authority.

Candidate Seating: Candidates will be assigned chairs, initiating from the middle of the stage and progressing sequentially to the right and left based on their signup order. The candidate signup form will be available on Redmove’s website on Thursday, February 8th, at 8 AM.