The Great Northern Nevada
Town Hall & Debates
State Offices and City of Reno
April 11, 2024 at the Atlantis

5:00 Doors Open

5:30 PM Pledge – Introductions

Moderators: Sam Shad and (TBA)

Timer: TBA

Debate Rules Read

5:35 PM Town Hall (Assembly and State Senate)

6:35 PM  Dinner Served 

* Twin Filet Medallions, Salad, Mashed Potatoes, 

Vegetable Medley, Dessert (Chocolate Mousse Cake)


* Chef’s Choice Veggie Meal (By Request)

VIP Announcements

6:40 PM  5-Minute Spotlight Northern Nevada 

Ronda Kennedy, U.S. Senate Candidate

& Kris Tabarez, Washoe School Board Candidates

6:55 Guest Speaker TBA

7:20 Clear Dinner Tables / Break

7:25 Reno City Council Debate 

Introduction of Candidate/ Rules Review

8:30 End of Debate/Announcements


Debate Rules

Debate Rules to Be Read by the Timer to the Candidates

Debate Introduction Section: Each candidate has 75 seconds to present their introduction statement. Chair One (on the right side of the stage) initiates the first statement, followed by the candidate on their left, Chair Two and Chair Three…

Debate Questions Section: Each candidate will receive a distinctive question during this session. After responding, other candidates, by raising their hand, may express approval or rebuttal by providing a one-minute response. Subsequently, the initial candidate who answered the question is granted 30 seconds for a rebuttal.

Debate Closing Section: Each candidate will deliver their closing statement, starting with the candidate positioned on the left side of the stage and followed by the candidate to their right, each having 75 seconds.

Town Hall Section: Following the debate, the audience can pose questions to the candidates during a 15-minute town hall session. Members must submit questions ahead of time. 

Candidate Seating: Candidates will be assigned chairs, initiating from the middle of the stage and progressing sequentially to the right and left based on their signup on the Redmove website.

Lifetime Silver Sponsors

Stoltzer Family

Nick Pietrowicz

Elaine Grimes Family

Silver Sponsors

Elaine Grimes Family


Upcoming Lunch Events at Reno Town Mall:

May 2 – Wahoe County School Board

June 11 – Primary Watch Party – Tentative at 93.7 FM Studios

June 13 – Review of the Primary Election Results

July 11 – Loren Spivack “Free Market Warrior”

September – Lunch – Dr. Fred Simon

October – Lunch – TBA

2024 Dinner Events at the Atlantis:

April 11 – Assembly, Senate, Reno Council, Debate/Town Hall (Sam Shad)

September – NAOP.US  Dinner

October – Fundraise Tentative Speaker Roger Stone

Nevada Commonwealth, Sierra Republican Club, & Independent Nevadas
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Redmove in the News

NOTICE:  (Reservations, 400 max) – 100 Tickets Must Be Sold Before We Live-Stream This Event

Past Redmove and the Nevada Commonwealth Debates - Reno, NV

Days Until Early Voting, May 28, 2024


Days Until Nevada Primary, June 11, 2024


Days Until General Election, Tuesday, November 5, 2024



Membership 2024
$ 35
  • Purchase 4 member-priced tickets in advance
  • Pivotal role in supporting Republican Debate.
  • Access to compelling speakers videos and live streams
  • Contribution to free meals at the Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
  • Discounted pricing (20%) off of all lunheons and dinner


Membership 2024
$ 20
  • Purchase 1 member-priced tickets in advance
  • Pivotal role in supporting Republican Debate.
  • Access to compelling speakers videos and live streams
  • Contribution to free meals at the Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
  • Discounted pricing (20%) off of all lunheons and dinner

Silver & Blue

Membership 2024
$ 200
  • Purchase 8 member-priced tickets in advance
  • Pivotal role in supporting Republican Debate.
  • Access to compelling speakers videos and live streams
  • Contribution to free meals at the Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
  • Discounted pricing (20%) off of all lunheons and dinner
  • VIP Seating at dinner events
  • Promotional exposure through a logo and link on Redmove website

Silver & Blue

Life Membership
$ 500
  • Purchase 20 member-priced tickets in advance
  • Pivotal role in supporting Republican Debate.
  • Access to compelling speakers videos and live streams
  • Contribution to free meals at the Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
  • Discounted pricing (20%) off of all lunheons and dinner
  • VIP Seating at dinner events
  • Promotional exposure through a logo and link on Redmove website

We are developing links and resources in this location.